Friday, 14 December 2007

Sunday 16th - Brighton & Xmas Party!


This Sunday we are all away to Brighton - always one of the highlights of the season!!

Matches will start at 10.00am prompt, so please arrive at 9.45am, allowing time for the difficult parking down at Waterhall.

Everyone should come, and teams will be selected on the morning.


This Sunday is the Christmas party at the club.

To try and accommodate everyone and prevent tears we've split it with the U6's - U9's from 3 - 5, and 10's - 12's at 5.30 - 7.30.

There will be unspecified entertainment (beat the Junior Chairman pianata style seems a popular suggestion) inc' a Santa (for the young ones anyway, not Bill btw), food, disco, games, prizes etc.

People with tickets will be going round at Brighton in the morning (a pound cheaper than later) so come laden with money.

A huge amount of organisation has gone into this event all for the love of your children so please support it. For parents fancy dress is optional!