Sunday, 21 January 2007

"H" Help Required!!

The H Festival is on the 11th February with an A team heading to Horsham to play in the tournament against Horsham, Haywards Heath and Heathfield.

This year, for the first time, we have managed to also arrange a "B" H Festival, which will be played at Hove.

We will be entering a team into both!

What we need however is to arrange for a couple of volunteer Pitch Marshalls for the U9's. The responsibility on the day is to ensure that the correct teams are on the correct pitch at the correct time with the right referee, and that the games keep as close to time as possible. It isn't a huge tournament, with just four teams, so it shouldn't be too complicated.

Can anyone who is willing to help out back at Hove on this day please let me know ASAP.



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