There was a meeting at the club this week to discuss the 2008 Tour to Breen Sands.
Further information regarding the tour will be passed on as we get it, but a couple of things have been decided already as follows.
Firstly, regarding the initial understanding that the club would pay for all the transport. Unfortunately, this offer never had approval of all of the club exec, and as a result, this is now not available.
Therefore, we now need to finance our own transport. It has been estimated that this is likely to be approx. £25-£30 per head.
Typically each year, sides that are touring hold various events to raise money for their tour funds (ideas welcome - sponsored walk / silence / boot clean). We will do some things as an age group, but the entire club will also be organising the following in order to try and meet some of this additional cost;
Sunday 17th February 2008 - Kids Fun Day - ideas welcome!
Friday 7th March 2008 - this will be an adults evening - band / music etc - entrance fee will go towards tour fund.
Please put both dates in your diaries
For both, it is hoped that we can get some prizes donated and have a good raffle / silent auction, so if you have any contacts who can donate anything or can donate anything yourselves, please let me know - anything that could be raffled / silent auctioned would be excellent. Last time there was a TV, a DVD player, a stereo etc. Do any of you know anyone who have a restaurant / beauty salons / hotel etc who might be willing to donate a meal, a treatment, a stay etc.... Publicity will be provided...!!
Secondly, it is intended that all children going on tour will have a tour shirt. Designs are being considered, and will be the same for every age group on tour. Initially, these shirts will be priced at cost - around £20. However, we are actively seeking sponsorship, which will be printed on ALL the shirts across every age group. Once the cost of this printing is covered, then any remaining sponsorship monies will go towards reducing the cost of each shirt, hopefully to zero. If there is any left over after that, it will be used towards the cost of the coaches as above, to reduce the cost of them.
Further information regarding the tour will be passed on as we get it, but a couple of things have been decided already as follows.
Firstly, regarding the initial understanding that the club would pay for all the transport. Unfortunately, this offer never had approval of all of the club exec, and as a result, this is now not available.
Therefore, we now need to finance our own transport. It has been estimated that this is likely to be approx. £25-£30 per head.
Typically each year, sides that are touring hold various events to raise money for their tour funds (ideas welcome - sponsored walk / silence / boot clean). We will do some things as an age group, but the entire club will also be organising the following in order to try and meet some of this additional cost;
Sunday 17th February 2008 - Kids Fun Day - ideas welcome!
Friday 7th March 2008 - this will be an adults evening - band / music etc - entrance fee will go towards tour fund.
Please put both dates in your diaries
For both, it is hoped that we can get some prizes donated and have a good raffle / silent auction, so if you have any contacts who can donate anything or can donate anything yourselves, please let me know - anything that could be raffled / silent auctioned would be excellent. Last time there was a TV, a DVD player, a stereo etc. Do any of you know anyone who have a restaurant / beauty salons / hotel etc who might be willing to donate a meal, a treatment, a stay etc.... Publicity will be provided...!!
Secondly, it is intended that all children going on tour will have a tour shirt. Designs are being considered, and will be the same for every age group on tour. Initially, these shirts will be priced at cost - around £20. However, we are actively seeking sponsorship, which will be printed on ALL the shirts across every age group. Once the cost of this printing is covered, then any remaining sponsorship monies will go towards reducing the cost of each shirt, hopefully to zero. If there is any left over after that, it will be used towards the cost of the coaches as above, to reduce the cost of them.
This order for the tour shirts needs to be placed before Christmas, and so I will need to collect everyone's shirt sizes again on Sunday.
What next?
Both these items have potentially pushed up the price of the tour for everyone from the prices originally quoted. If it is now too much, please let me know, and we can take you off the list.
Similarly, there have been a few new players that have joined since the tour was announced. There are still some places available for any who wish to go - scroll down on the blog for the details or speak to me on Sunday.
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