Wednesday 1 October 2008

Tour and Subs

Hi everyone

Tour - April 2009
We are trying to gauge interest in a tour for the U11's this year and are currently looking at the Easter/Spring Break, specifically Friday 3 - Monday 6 April or the Easter Weekend itself, Friday 10 - Monday 13 April. There are mini festivals in the West Country on both those dates but we really need a clear idea of numbers and dates. Please can everyone let me know as soon as possible (ideally by Friday 10 October) if they are interested in the tour and if so, their preferred dates. It may be easiest to email me on We would then hope to convene a meeting of the Tour Committee week commencing Monday 13 October. Sally Griffiths and Bev Garth have kindly agreed to be responsible for fundraising; Diana Hadfield and Helen Howell have also volunteered to be on t'committee. If anyone else would like to be involved (the more the merrier as they say) just let Jay or I know.

As you know we will be charging all players £2 a week for Subs and as this was really only agreed last week, ie Sun 28 September, this gives us a total of 30 fixtures/training days for the rest of the season. You are welcome to pay me on a weekly basis but the consensus is that it may be easier to pay up front and to encourage this there will be a discount for those paying in full by Sunday 12 October, ie. 30 weeks for the price of 27. Cheques for £54 should be made payable to Hove RFC and given to me by that date. If money has not been received by that date I will "nag" for £2 per player on a weekly basis!

Information on arrangements for this Sunday, 5th October, to follow.

Many thanks


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