For information on fixtures and training. Subscribe for automatic email notification or RSS feeds.
Thursday, 24 December 2009
Saturday, 19 December 2009
Sunday CANCELLED... but this time its the snow

Wednesday, 16 December 2009
Xmas party cancelled
Sunday, 6 December 2009
Hi everyone
I’m afraid that we have to cancel rugby again today. I’m really sorry, especially as it is so long since we played, but the weather is set against us at the moment.
Keep your fingers crossed for next week!
Hove U12s
Thursday, 5 November 2009
Your help requested. Please be generous

Sunday, 11 October 2009
Hastings Festival pictures
Hastings Festival
If anyone is interested.. I use Picasa to store and manage my photos. It's a free download from here.
The latest version (3.5) has face recognition, it will search all your photos for individual faces and let you group them by person. This lets you see how your kids have grown through photos.
If you have a gmail (googlemail) account you can copy your photos online with a single click and either share them to one person on a private basis, a group of people or everyone in the world. It makes backing up your photos childs play. You can also download them onto another computer.
Sunday, 4 October 2009
Haywards Heath Friendly matches
Thursday, 27 August 2009
Hove Under 12s and BBQ 30 August
Hope you all had a good summer (although I'm still waiting for the BBQ summer we were promised). We are now Hove Under 12s, last year in the minis, and thought I'd let you know what was happening (well, at least for the first couple of weeks!).
The 2009-10 Season Starts on Sunday 6th September and we will be on Pitch 3 at the kit store room end, The first four weeks of the season will be training from 10.00-12.00 as usual.
Please note that Registration will be on Sunday 6th and Sunday 13th September. All existing members are being sent a renewal form next week - please bring this form and cash or cheque with you. Details of membership fees can be found on the website:
The club is holding its pre-season BBQ at the clubhouse on 30th August, 2009. ALL club members and familes are welcome. Deano is providing the food, and there will be a live band during the afternoon. There will also be a bouncy castle for the littl 'uns. The event starts at 1pm.
So, if I don't see you this Sunday, I'll see you on 6th September
Friday, 8 May 2009
Wasps Coaching Day - Hove Weds 27 May
We have been asked to let you know about a Wasps Coaching day on Weds 27th May at Hove for ages 8 - 14. The day is open to all clubs in the south Sussex area. Places are limited, first come first served.
Best way to sign up is online at
Friday, 1 May 2009
Sunday 3rd May
Hi everyone,
Sunday 3rd May is proving to be EXTREMELY busy with lots of other things going on apart from the Minis Awards Day.
As you know a lot of our squad will be missing through various activities, so we would like to hold a separate U11 awards day so that everyone can be present and give us a chance to vote for player of the year etc.
There is a Tag match for coaches/parents (parents you have been warned please bring suitable footwear!) between the age groups that should be taking place around 10.30 on the U10/U12 pitches:
Pool A: U6/U7, The Dogs, U11s
Pool B: The Rhinosaurs, U9s, U12s
There is a £1 per person match fee - and small people will be wandering around with collection buckets. This should be completed by 11.30 - so there will be a chance for kids to have a game of bulldog or similar before the Chinook Helicopter lands about 11.45 - then there will be club presentations at the front of the clubhouse by the Wing Commander to coaches etc.
There will also be a bouncy castle and hopefully a BBQ and of course the bar will be open. They are looking for volunteers to help with the BBQ - anyone willing please let me know asap.
Just to let you know there are also the following events happening:
10.30 - Hove U13 game Pitch 2 which needs to be finished by 11.45 otherwise the helicopter will land on them!
11.00 - Colts County Final - Pitch 1
2.00pm - Women's Final - Pitch 1
2.30p - Hove park old boys game - Pitch 2
not to mention a home cricket match!
Final bit of advice from the club is to try not to drive down as parking will be horrific - you have been warned!
Monday, 27 April 2009
Sunday 3rd May - Minis Fun Day
First of all well done to everyone who went to Edenbridge - the A's were the runners up in the Plate Competition (our first bit of silver!) and although the Bs did not progress into a final they played with a lot of commitment and against some very strong opposition - so well done to all and well done to all the parents for their stamina! Sitting in the sun all day is hard work!
This Sunday, 3rd May, is the Minis Fun Day at Hove. We are expecting a Chinook Helicopter, the pilot is an ex-Hove player, and it will arrive at 12pm and depart at 2pm. There may also be a tag game between coaches/parents of all age groups! So for those who are available please turn up for some gentle exercise and fun at the normal time.
In the meantime though it appears that many of our players won't be available on Sunday as it is the start of the cricket and athletics season. At the moment I know of the following who won't be available.
Freddie Nehls, Freddie Garth, Freddie Packham, George Oliver, George Turner, George Karous, Max Karous, James Hadfield, Luke Griffiths, Mikey Howell, Lawrence Wright, Sam Pfeiffer, Steph Pfeiffer, Zac Downey
If there's anyone else who knows they are not around next Sunday please can you let me know as soon as possible as this will affect when we have the U11s awards day.
Feel free to email or text me on 07929 325827.
I also wanted to let you know that John Wright, Lawrence's dad, has very kindly uploaded some photos from recent tournaments onto a Picasa web page . The Wasps group photo from this year and 2008 are also on this page.
Catch up with all soon
Tuesday, 21 April 2009
Sunday 26 April, Edenbridge - As & Bs
Hope everyone who went paintballing on Sunday has survived! Many thanks to Steph for finding the place and also to Nicky Turner for helping me with giving out the paintballs!!
This Sunday 26th April, we are all at Edenbridge. My understanding is that the following are available:
Daniel Adu
Zac Downey
Freddie Garth
Luke Griffiths
George Karous
Max Karous
George Oliver
Sam Pfeiffer
Davis West
Joe Baker
Dan Foulds-Holt
Oisin Harris
Freddie Nehls
George Turner
James Cull
James Hadfield
Mikey Howell
Jacob Knight
Aran McDonald
Tom Healy
Miley Porritt
Henry Wallis
Lawrence Wright
Charlie Butcher
Sacha Eales
In the meantime, details from Edenbridge Ruby Club as follows:
The Pavilion, Lingfield Road Recreation Ground, Edenbridge, TN8 5DY
ERFC are looking forward to your arrival for this year’s Edenbridge Mini Rugby Festival.
Keep your carbon footprint small and share a car!
CAR PARKING + 10 minute walk - I will forward maps separately.
Please park at Eden Valley School, Four Elms Road, Edenbridge, Kent TN8 6AD and then take the short, 10 minute, walk to Edenbridge RFC, The Pavilion, Lingfield Road, Recreation Ground, Edenbridge, TN8 5DY
A free minibus shuttle service and will be running to and from the Car Park to the Recreation Ground. Priority to be given to the elderly, infirm, and to those with young children.
At the parking area there will be clearly identifiable Edenbridge Marshals who will direct you to the Festival Ground.
Please do not attempt to park in the vicinity of the clubhouse as these places have been allocated to referees who have been issued with special passes and to those with disabled parking permits. Police will stop any unauthorized vehicle from entering roads leading to the clubhouse and will not allow parking on Lingfield Rd.
Please also note the following:
· The fast flowing tributaries to the River Eden, with steep banks, run to the side and rear of the Recreation Ground. Do not allow the children to play by these streams.
The event, by its very nature, is in the public arena and participants and their parents acknowledges that recording and publication of images may ensue. The organisers reserve the right to challenge any suspect photography.
· Please remember to bring plenty of warm and waterproof clothing for players.
· There will be refreshment tents serving sausage rolls, burgers, hot dogs, soup, hot & cold drinks and sweets. Alcoholic beverages will be available from the clubhouse.
· Please note that NO BARBEQUES are allowed on the playing area as this is council property.
· There will be a display area for “RAM Rugby” selling rugby kit, gum shields, studs etc.
· DE Photo will be taking action photographs which will be available for purchase on the day.
· Remember: your players are your responsibility! Please ensure they are under the supervision of a responsible adult at all times.
Finally, the first games kick-off at 10:00. Please ensure you allow ample time to park and to walk to the Recreational Ground and to locate your pitch, etc. (We suggest 9;15 at the latest.) Why not arrive early for a sausage roll and a coffee – these will be available from 9:00!!
See you Sunday - please aim to get the ground for 09.15 at the latest.
Friday, 10 April 2009
Just a few reminders!
1. No Rugby for U11s on Easter Sunday
2. Paintballing - Sunday 19 April -
Currently, the following are taking part:
James Cull x 2
Dan Foulds-Holt x 2
Freddie Garth x 3
James Hadfield x 1
George Karous x 1
Max Karous x 1
Freddie Nehls x 2
Miley Porritt x 4
Sam Pfeiffer x 2
Yoann Steque x 2
George Turner x 2 or 3
Davis West x 2
Charlie Butcher x 2
If anyone else wants to take part, I need to know by Tuesday 14 April. I will send out further details next week but be warned it is a prompt 09.15 start!
3. Edenbridge Tournament - Sunday 26 April
At the moment I understand everyone is available for this with the exception of:
Raffaele, Kian, Lewis and Yoann/Francois.
If anyone else is not available please let me know asap as we are planning to enter an A and B team.
4. Belated Congratulations to the arrival of Grace Ava (sister to Raffaelle) on 1st April.
Happy Easter!
Wednesday, 1 April 2009
Remaining 2008/09 Fixtures
Thought you might like to know what's happening for the rest of the season.
Sunday 5th April - Staines Festival
Forwards: James Cull, James Hadfield, Mikey, Jacob, Lawrence, Sacha, Freddie Packham
Backs: Sam, George Oliver, Davis, George K, Max, Zac, Yoann
If you have not already let me know your availability - please do so asap.
There will be training at Hove for everyone else.
Sunday 12th April - EASTER SUNDAY - No Training
Sunday 19th April - "Fun Day" - Paintballing - Effingham
As there is no tour this year - this will be an opportunity for the kids (and the coaches) to let off some steam. We have reserved places at Deepwood - Fort Bravo (yes, honest!) and hope as many as possible can come along - including parents.
Cost will be approx £17.50 per head to include:
Games from 09.15 to 4.00pm
Lunch of pizza (margarita or pepperoni)
Free coffee, tea, water
150 paintballs per person free
All other clothing/equipment included.
This facility will allow 10 and 11 year olds to play as long as there are some adults around. We are also looking into the possibility of a coach.
If you are interested please let me know as soon as possible and I can forward a brochure and map etc.
Sunday 26th April - Edenbridge TBC
Sunday 3rd May - Minis Awards Day at Hove
Friday, 27 March 2009
Sorry for delay in getting email out but have had a few challenges with availability etc.
Horsham - Festival
James Cull
James Hadfield
Tom Healy
Jacob Knight
Henry Wallis
Daniel Adu
Zac Downey
Max Karous
George Karous
George Oliver
Sam Pfeiffer
Davis West
Raffaele Milne
Charlie Butcher
Sacha Eales
Miley Porritt
Lawrence Wright
Joe Baker
Dan Foulds-Holt
George Turner
Freddie Nehls
Yoann Steque
The team going to Crowborough are going to have some subs from the other teams playing in this tournament as we don't have quite enough players.
As you can see we need everyone so any queries/problems please let me know asap.
Will send out full details for both tournaments to the individuals later today, you need to arrive by 09.30 for both festivals but, please, please don't forget THE CLOCKS GO FORWARD ON SATURDAY SO DON'T BE LATE!!!!
Monday, 23 March 2009
As soon as I have details on the group photo I will get that to you and if, in the meantime, anyone has any photos for the website please do email me and we will update the slide show on the blog. I have certificates for everyone and will get those distributed next time we are all together.
Onto next week............. we are trying to get two teams together. There is an A Festival at Horsham and a 4-way fixture at Crowborough for the Bs.
At the moment we are working on everyone being available with the exception of:
Freddie Garth
Luke Griffiths
Freddie Packham
Aran McDonald
Tom Healy
If there are any additional people not available, please can you let me know by Wednesday evening at the latest - thanks.
Tuesday, 17 March 2009
WASPS Day - Sunday 22 March
Just to let you know that I will be sending around an email with further details on the Wasps Trip on Sunday to everyone who has booked a place - but just wanted to let you all know the basics!
We need to be at the training ground, Royal Grammar School (High Wycombe) by 09.40 so for those of us on the coach we will need to meet at Shirley Drive at 07.30!!
Training will be at the RGS for 2 hrs - there is an opportunity for children to shower and change after the training session so please make sure any change of clothes/towels etc that are brought are clearly named. After the training session we will go onto Adams Park and anticipate arriving there at 12.30pm.
Refreshments will be available during the morning and it is recommended that you bring a packed lunch to eat at the Stadium. Please also note there is a bit of hanging around until the community photographs are taken at 2.00pm - you have been warned! Not sure of the weather forecast yet but needless to say please make sure you have sufficient warm/wet weather gear for kids and adults alike!
The coach will depart Adams Park around 5.00pm and we should be back at Shirley Drive by 7.00-7.30pm.
For those who are not coming to Wasps - there is no training and the next matches are on Sunday 29 March - As will be at Horsham and Bs at Crowborough. As ever, if anyone knows they are not available, please let me know as soon as possible.
See you Sunday
07929 325827
Tuesday, 10 March 2009
Sunday 15 March - Festivals
We have two festivals this coming Sunday 15th March - and everyone on the lists below should have received an email regarding the appropriate Festival - if nothing has been received, please contact me asap!
West Sussex Festival - Haywards Heath
Daniel Adu
Zac Downey
Freddie Garth
George Karous
Max Karous
Sam Pfeiffer
Davis West
James Cull
Jacob Knight
James Hadfield
Mikey Howell
Aran McDonald
Luke Griffiths
Freddie Packham
Worthing B Festival
Joe Baker
Daniel Foulds-Holt
Oisin Harris
Rafaele Milne
Freddie Nehls
Lewis Steele
Yoann Steque
Kian Hall
Tom Healy
Alex Kirby
Miley Porritt
Lawrence Wright
Charlie Butcher
Sacha Eales
In both instances please be at the Festival by 09.30 and be prepared for wet/cold weather and have plenty of food and drink!
As you can see we only have squads of 14 for both these festivals so it is really important that everyone turns up - if there are any problems, please phone me on 07929 325827.
Many thanks
PS - Will send round more information on the Wasps Day - 22nd March - after the Festivals.
Wednesday, 4 March 2009
Sunday 8 March - Training at Hove
Just to remind you all that there is training at Hove on Sunday. The fixtures for March are:
Sunday 8 March - Training @ Hove
Sunday 15 March - West Sussex Festival (Haywards Heath) and Worthing B Festival
Sunday 22 March - WASPS Day
Sunday 29 March - Horsham Festival and Crowborough Mini B festival
As you can see we have two dates now where we need all our players. If anyone is not available for 29 March please let me know otherwise I will assume you are available.
See you Sunday.
Tuesday, 24 February 2009
Sunday 1 March - Sevenoaks @ Hove
First of all, for those of you who were at Hove on Sunday - Lawrence is fine - he had an x-ray on his neck and it is sore but otherwise all OK.
We are expecting Sevenoaks to visit on Sunday so, as ever, if you are not available, please let me know.
The club have asked us to let everyone know about the England vs Barbarians match on Saturday 30 May - details below and on Hove RFC website.
The club is able to purchase, on behalf of members and their families, tickets for an all day rugby extravaganza to be held at Twickenham on Saturday 30th May.
England vs Barbarians - Kick off 4pm - tickets include the County Championship Shield at 10am and Bill Beaumont Cup at 12 noon.
Ticket Prices - Adults £50 (2 for 1) and Juniors £10 - East & West Stands
Family - 2 Adults & 2 Juniors - £80 - North & South Stands
The 2 for 1 offer lasts until 10th March
If you wish to purchase tickets, please contact Andy Ward ( stating precisely how many of each ticket type you require - more details on the website.
See you Sunday
Tuesday, 17 February 2009
Sunday 22 February - at Home
They started off with a great win over Heathfield (the first time we’ve beaten them for some time). Unfortunately we then lost to Haywards Heath in a tight game and although we beat Hastings convincingly (6 tries to 0) we lost our last game to Horsham by 1 try.
Tries were scored by Freddie Packham (2); James Hadfield (3); George Oliver and Zac Downey.
The group winners were Haywards Heath – the result dependent on their final game against Heathfield. Hove came a creditable 3rd in the group.
This week we will be at home and expect Crawley and possibly Shoreham (TBC) to visit.
I know quite a few will not be available on Sunday - if you have not already let me know, please advise of your availability.
Thanks and see you Sunday
Wednesday, 11 February 2009
February/March Fixtures
First of all - sorry to everyone not involved with the H Trophy at Hove this week. I am afraid I have been unable to find us a fixture and we will not have sufficient space or coaches to undertake any training at Hove - so make the most of the lie in on Sunday! Of course if anyone wants to come down and support the A team please feel free.
I am also looking for some help with keeping score etc on Sunday (you get to wear a yellow vest!) - any offers gratefully received!
Fixtures for the next few weeks now look as follows:
Sunday 15 Feb - H Trophy at Hove
Sunday 22 Feb - Home - Crawley and possibly Shoreham visiting
Sunday 1 March - Home - Sevenoaks visiting
Sunday 8 March - Home - Training
Sunday 15 March
See you soon
Tuesday, 10 February 2009
Sunday 15 February - "H" Trophy at Hove
The following have been chosen to play in this week's H Trophy at Hove:
James Cull
James Hadfield
Mikey Howell
Fred Packham
Daniel Adu
Jacob Knight
Aran MacDonald
Sam Pfieffer
Zac Downey
George Oliver
Fred Garth
Luke Griffiths
George Karous
Max Karous
Davis West
Kian Hall
If anyone is unavailable please let me know by return. We will need players at Hove by 09.30 and I will send out further information later this week.
In the meantime I am trying to find a fixture for the remaining players but it is not looking too hopeful - I will give it until this time tomorrow (Weds) and then let you know for definite.
Friday, 6 February 2009
Sunday 8 February - Training at Hove
Just to remind you that it is training at Hove this Sunday - if there is any change to that because of weather conditions - I will text/phone you!
Also to remind you that number for WASPS Day will be confirmed on Sunday and money will be needed. It may be possible to book extra seats after Sunday but I can't guarantee it.
Thursday, 29 January 2009
Sunday 22 March - Wasps vs Bristol
Sunday 22nd March, Wasps vs Bristol in the Guinness Premiership.
Then, coach to the ground where we watch the game against Bristol from the stand, before heading back to Hove after the match - arriving back approx 7.15pm.
All those that have attended previously have agreed that these Match Day coaching sessions provide a fantastic day for both kids and adults alike.
We need to give numbers to Wasps 6 weeks prior - so need to know by next week - and, preferably, by this Sunday.
Prices are as follows;
£20 per participant child - including training and ticket and a Certificate and London Wasps Gift (this year I believe it will be the 08/09 Beanie Hat - but don't hold me to that!)
£20 per adult.
£10 per concession (OAP, Students & U18's).
Note - the prices for kids have not gone up for the last 2 years and the adult price has only gone up by £1 - excellent value for money!
I will need a deposit of £10 per child/adult and £5 per concession.
In addition to the participating child, I need to know how many adult tickets you require, and how many concessions, together with how many seats on the coach you require. If you intend to drive instead, can you confirm this too.
Tuesday, 27 January 2009
Worthing Curtain Raiser Sat 31 Jan cancelled
This is obviously destined not to happen. Received the following from Worthing this morning
"Unfortunately I have to inform you that the decision has been made to cancel the curtain raiser for this weekends match. With the current state of the pitches and the forecast for more rain this week, the playing committee have requested that the curtain raiser does not take place."
Many thanks to everyone who made themselves available for the game.
See you Sunday - we are at home to Pulborough.
Friday, 23 January 2009
Sunday 25 January - Away at Midhurst
Just to remind you that we are taking everyone to Midhurst this Sunday. Please arrive in plenty of time for a 10.00am start
Weather forecast is not great so please make sure you bring wet weather gear and change of clothes (not to mention the towels and black bin bags required for the back of the car!)
Message from Hove RFC:
The Colts are playing in the London Division final of the National U19 Cup. Win this - and they go national. The match is at HOME (Sunday 25th) at 2pm. Come and lend your vocal support.
Opponents this weekend are Westcliff, who beat Harpenden in the London North final.
See you all Sunday
PS Don't forget, if you haven't already done so, to let me know availability for Sat 31 Jan Curtain Raiser
Wednesday, 21 January 2009
Re-Scheduled Worthing Curtain Raiser - Sat 31 Jan
We have just heard from Worthing that they are re-scheduling the curtain raiser for Saturday 31 January. The opposition are Chinnor and the timings are to be confirmed but anticipate same as last time, ie there by 12.45 for 1.30 kick off. Please can you let me have availability by return.
Thursday, 15 January 2009
Just wanted to update you on remaining fixtures for January.
Sunday 18th
Mixed Training and Matches at Hove
Visitors; Haywards Heath and Crowborough
Sunday 25th
Mixed Training and Matches
Away at Midhurst
As ever, if you know of non availability, please let me know soonest.
For your information, there are some changes to February fixtures but these have not yet been finalised as it involves the H trophies - once we have confirmed dates and arrangements, I will let you know.
See you Sunday
Saturday, 10 January 2009
Just to reconfirm there are NO MATCHES at Hove this weekend. The pitches have been deemed unplayable.
All being well we will be at Hove next week for a visit from Crowborough and Haywards Heath.
Friday, 9 January 2009
Worthing Curtain raiser on Saturday 09th of January cancelled
We will therefore not have a curtain raiser against Worthing tomorrow.
We still have Shoreham and Burgess Hill coming to Hove on Sunday.
Sunday 11 January - Burgess Hill & Shoreham at Hove
Just to let you know that Burgess Hill and Shoreham are visiting Hove this Sunday for mixed training and matches so please can everyone be at Hove promptly for a 10.00am start. If anyone will not be attending - please let me know asap.
Good luck to all those involved in the Worthing Curtain Raiser tomorrow.
See you Sunday
Wednesday, 7 January 2009
URGENT response requested for training tonight
I've only had one response for training tonight ,
could you please let me know urgently if you intend to come or cannot come.
Best regards Francois
Tuesday, 6 January 2009
Pre Worthing match Training Wed 07th January 18h15
I would like to run a training session tomorrow evening at 18h15 for an hour in preparation of Saturday's game at Worthing.
Ideally I would like the players who have been selected for Saturday, however if you want to show your commitment, every player is welcome. we are a team and this is a good occasion to brush up our rugby skills
please confirm by return if you can participate.
Regards Francois
The details for the Curtain Raiser prior to the Worthing v London Scottish match at Worthing are as follows:
The team will be:
James Cull
Freddie Packham
Mikey Howell
Aran Mcdonald
James Hadfield
Yoann Steque
Luke Griffiths
George Karous
Max Karous
Zac Downey
George Oliver
Daniel Adu
Freddie Garth
Davis West
Henry Wallis
It is anticipated the curtain raiser will be at 1.30pm, so please aim to arrive between 12.30 and 12.45 so there is plenty of time for a warm up. Worthing are expecting a lot of people. Please let the people on the gate know that your children are playing in the Curtain Raiser and you will not be charged. There will be light refreshments for the kids after their game and you can stay and watch the main match.
Directions to Worthing are given on their website: but they do not appear to have a map so here is a link:
Please can everyone confirm to me that they are able to attend and if there are any problems/delays on the day please let Francois know as he and Richard will be there.
Good luck!
Thursday, 1 January 2009
HAPPY NEW YEAR - 4 & 10 January 2009
Just a gentle reminder that there is training at Hove this Sunday 4th January.
In addition we have been asked by Worthing RFC to provide a curtain raiser on Saturday 10th January for their first team who are playing London Scottish at Worthing, It would be on the first team pitch prior to the main game. It would be one 7 min each way game and we would then have the opportunity of forming a tunnel for the first team to run through. Worthing would then provide some light refreshments and we would then be free to go or watch the main match. This would all take place at around 1.30p.m, ie. we would need to be there by approx 1pm for warm up etc.
Please can everyone let me know, if they have not already done so, if they are available for both Sunday 4 and Saturday 10th January.
Many thanks